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Archives > 2013-11


Mostra di Roberto Budicin, Ottobre 2013


  Ecco alcune foto della mostra di Roberto Budicin che si è tenuta dal 2 al 16 Ottobre nella Sala Comunale d' Arte di Trieste, in Piazza Unità. Critica dell'Architetto Marianna Accerboni.

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"Depicts the artist ," the artist's fantasy Pushing Hands ─ ─ Liu Huan Xian

Artists often walk a different attitude in the world , someone famous painting , it was dedicated to education , it was quiet and painting, it was also offered such as Liu Huan spare no effort for mentors , there is not much time to enjoy the fun of painting , but rather concentrate on building sway for artists stage , is committed to " gallery industries" of operation, the implementation...

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