La vie facile à utiliser

Archives > 2014-09


The mystery of life


Long ago in ancient times, God asked the angels, "Where to hide the secret of life?". Angel offered to hide deep in the Secret Sea. God said, "It would be too easy. Come a day when they get to the deepest ocean and sea oplyvut all." Then the angels offered to hide the secrets of life in the Mother Earth. God said, "And it would be too easy. Once they pass over the whole world and digging up the whole earth." After a moment of silence angels offered to hide it on top of the highest mountain. God said, "The day will come, and they will take on all the mountains of...

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Stop ......... Artist Leah Yerpe.

Curse century - a rush And the man, wiping the sweat Rushing through life, as a pawn, Once hunted in time trouble. Hurriedly drink hastily love And the soul descends. Hastily beat, quickly destroy, After repenting, slowly. But you even used one in the world, When he sleeps, or boils, Stop the horse in a lather, Sensing the abyss at the hooves.  ...

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Drink some tea ..... artist - illustrator Anna Silivonchik.

  ... and want you to brew tea with spices this rainy autumn? scent of cardamom and cinnamon remind you of sunny summer ... ginger and nutmeg will warm to these colds days and evenings ......

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