La vie facile à utiliser

Archives > 2017-08


Stroody. I'll draw a fairy tale for you ...


I'll draw a fairy tale for you, Where the sky is soft as fluff, Where every beast is talkative and affectionate, Where night reads books out loud. I'll cut out the dawn dreams, From thy dreams thou shalt create gardens, Almost the whole year there will be summer, And the sun, bright as you.     I'll get into the dragon's pond, I'll have owls in the branches, And ivy, kissing the balconies, And the castle is wondrous. I will draw hundreds of faithful Friends, whose home is always your home, And the sharp clap of fast chamois, And a warm ray under the...

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Claudio Perina. Pencil, pen, paint and other people ...

Every new person is a new drawing in my heart. It can be drawn with a pencil, or maybe a pen. Sometimes written in paint, also vague and motley. A bright spot, which was a great impression, but very soon it was washed off, blurred, smeared ... A pen in my heart I write down only proven people. Or anyone I want to remember for a long time. After all, even the ink sooner or later fade...

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A woman, a fragile flower, hardened into steel by being ...

Here again came the day when men love us, cherish and cherish ... more than on other days of the year. )) And I'm not going to give you presents today-everything will be from men! Chanting us,...

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Kovalkova Anna: fluorescent wedding corset made of acrylic

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