Artist Ahmad Haraji. Light and shadow - his inspiration.
Iranian artist Ahmad Haraji was born in 1969 in the ancient city of Boroujerd, in western Iran. Draws from 14 years of age. His first teacher was one of the greatest artists - realists Iran Rahim Navehsi. At age 18, he entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Tehran, the Faculty of Graphic Design. During the second year he began to teach at the same academy. After graduation, attended courses in illustration, at the same academy. He worked with several art galleries. It was a good time to improve their technique. Since 2000, lives and works in the Netherlands, in 2006, graduated from the Higher Art Academy Minerva in Groningen.
Adolphe Bouguereau, Werner Weber - favorite artist. Light and shadow - his inspiration.
The great Russian artist Ivan Repin jokingly said that he was only "puts the right tone at the right place." This brief statement very accurately conveys the essence of the art of painting.
Disney Prints ace of spades 8 x 12 Inch
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