
Enzo Bianchi ... Bread ~ ~ yesterday ...

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Enzo Bianchi ... Bread ~ ~ yesterday ...

~ For the casket, Soyka_Ya, with tenderness ...



~ Enzo Bianchi. Bread yesterday ~
Memories Enzo Bianchi, founder of the monastic community of Bose, the doctor honoris causa of the University of Turin Research, move us into the atmosphere of a small Italian village of the mid XX century. The focus of the simple things, the basis of everyday life (bread, bunch of grapes, wine), so important for the culture of all times, and Christianity - especially.
Enzo Bianchi interprets grafted to him in early childhood relationship to food as a gift, as a symbol of bringing people together, reflection and grateful prayers. "Share a meal - the desire to connect his life with the life of fellow diners. Because in cooking and eating section celebrated the mystery of life. " Rural way of teaching thoughtful man to see in every phenomenon of nature hidden divine message. Even an ordinary rural garden may be his "great metaphor for the spiritual life." Images of grain and bread picture pruning vines and cooking since childhood accompany peasant gradually revealing his gospel symbolism and depth.
The first monks of the community of Bose, like the author himself memories were familiar hardships of rural life. Its poverty and the miracle later wrote the poet Domenico Ciardi: "We knew the bitterness of the bread and its absence in the long dark nights. // But sometimes surprisingly easy crows arrived, leaving // sweet bread of charity ... "Grace, mercy, we are waiting for each other; It is something that can give everyone in spite of poverty.
Empathetic towards others since childhood studied Enzo Bianchi ordinary people, "the great teachers of humanity" - that he talks about them in the last chapters of the book.
"You have to bear the burden of others, to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep."

























~ Tony de Wolf, Antwerp, 1961 ~

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