

Quote of the message by Liudmila5591

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I.E. Grabar "Winter Morning"

Snow and snow patterns,
In the field - blizzard, talk,
Cold, semi-darkness.
Day, skates, mountain, sled,
Evening - grandmother's tales ...
Here it is - winter!
A. Fet

GV Sviridov
"Singing winter" from the cantata "Poem of memory of Sergei Yesenin"

Singing winter - aukaet,
The shaggy forest is cuddly
Stonewall of pine.
Around with longing deep
They float far
Gray clouds.

And in the yard a snowstorm
The carpet is silken,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful,
As babies are orphans,
They pressed themselves against the window.

The birds were small,
Hungry, tired,
And huddle more tightly.
A blizzard with a roaring rabid
Knocks on the shutters
And angry all the stronger.

And the birds are asleep delicate
Under these snow whirlwinds
At the frozen window.
And he dreams a beautiful,
The smile of the sun is clear
Beauty is spring.
S. Yesenin

IE Grabar "Tale of frost and the rising sun"

V. Gorodovskaya.
"Russian Winter"


K.F. Yuon "Winter b Vyacheslav Mikhailov paintings

lue day"

"The Sorceress Winter" (paintings by artists)
Music of P.I. Tchaikovsky - "The Seasons"

The night has passed. It was dawn.
There is nowhere a cloud.
The air is light and clean,
And the river froze.
In the yards and houses,
The snow lies on the canvas.
And the sun shines
Multicolored fire.
In the uninhabited space,
Whitewashed fields
The forest is gay,
From under the black curls.
I. Nikitin

"The snow is coming" S. Nikitin
verses-B. Parsnip.


Arno Babajanyan
Vladimir Presnyakov-father (saxophone)

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